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Vblink app for Android and iOS is available for download only from third-party sources. It is not available on the Google Play Store or the App Store.

In order to prepare well for the program of Nha Trang-Khanh Hoa Sea Festival in 2023, the province has done urban embellishment; upgrade tourism facilities; ensure the security and order situation, food safety and hygiene and especially the prevention and control of COVID-19 for each activity and event. Activities are organized in an open direction, increasing interaction with the community so that people and tourists can directly participate in festival activities..." Vblink Online, Faced with the above situation, the Hanoi Party Committee always considers this an urgent issue, which needs to be more orderly and civilized. Therefore, the City Party Committee issued Program No. 03 on urban embellishment, urban development and urban economy, widely deployed in the political system.

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